Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Judge and Jury

Today I read in the paper that, as a result of the raid on the polygamist ranch in Texas, their leader Warren Jeffs and six(?) others have been indicted by the grand jury. (I think this means they will go to trial right?). I keep trying to express why I feel so emotionally wrapped up in this stuff. Just my own reactions I suppose. I'll just say that reading that today has made me feel some peace with it. Perhaps they couldn't (maybe shouldn't?) take away all the children like they did. But this shows that there was cause for concern and that someone does care about those little girls. Someone is saying "this is wrong." For whatever my reason, I needed to hear that.

1 comment:

mudderbear said...

From an apocryphal source about the times of the flood of Noah,which was uncovered in 1906, "The secret places of the earth were doing evil, the son lay with the mother and the father with the daughter...they made solemn covenants among themselves concerning these things..."
When I read this,it creeped me out and reminded me of the Jeffs situation. Maybe that's why it sounds so abhorrant. It appears that these girls are just passed to whomever those 'fathers' please. Last night it was reported a girl who was only eleven years old had been married to one of them....Jeffs, I think.