Wednesday, June 06, 2007

New Heroes

Today I read an article on the internet about why women put off having babies. I didn't go looking for it, it was just sitting there on my MSN home page. It pointed out that it's not such a great idea to wait until your late 30's and into your 40's. It seems okay because we see women in the media, from Hollywood to the 60 year old mother of twins, who are doing it. This article claims that what we don't see is what they go through to do it- the thousands of dollars they put into fertility treatments etc. It points out that these are the exceptions to the rules and that women today are told we can do it all, but when they put off having babies, they often get to the point they're ready to start, only to find out they can't. It's false advertising.

Today I also got on Benny's blog and linked over to a friend of his that's left comments that I like. I feel like it's rude to go and read someone else's personal thoughts when you don't know them, but I really needed something to read. This girl talked about her life and newly started family, some of her joys and concerns. Her blog led me back to Mel's blog and pictures of little Eddie.

Melanie and friend are doing things right. They are giving everything to these two beautiful little boys. What more could they be doing! Giving this little person all he needs, nourishing not just his body but his spirit and emotions, and teaching him how to get along in the big bad world. I so admire the both of you and thank you for being an example to me that while it's not easy- especially, I'm assuming, financially- it is possible. You are doing it! There are so few people I have to look at and say it's possible. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and experiences and letting me "butt into" your life. And also to husbands that are doing it right as well.

1 comment:

mudderbear said...

Perhaps you worry too much. Trust in the right yourself and your heavenly father.