Tuesday, June 19, 2007

It's been too long since I complained


I just read an article about a new diet drug that keeps your body from absorbing the fat in your food. Oh yeah, be sure to take vitamins because it also prevents you absorbing some of those. The key to the pill working for you is to include it with exercise and a healthy diet. Well, duh... isn't that where you should start? If you do happen to eat more than the recommended amount of fat in one sitting, the article suggests, you may want to have a change of clothes with you because the most problematic side effect is... I can't even say the words... anal leakage.

I'm hoping that the link will include the same advertisements I saw while reading the article because they are the ones I talked about saying do something good for your daughter- keep her from getting genital warts and cervical cancer- not by teaching her to wait to have sex until she gets married, but by giving her this shot. You too can be one less.

I found this just after seeing a picture of the late Anna Nicole Smith. She looked like a monster. Really. The make-up, the look on her face (I think she was smiling?), the hair. It was, somehow, deformed. The other day I happened across the worst pictures of Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen. I thought they were cute, more innocent looking young girls. I don't hear stories of them out doing the Paris and Lohan stuff. One of them had an open collar and you could see her collar bones- her poor head looked so heavy on such a tiny neck. They both had on gobs of make-up and again, the only word I can think of is deformed.

There was also an article debating whether it's better for parents to let their kids drink, where they can control it and teach them to be responsible, or to insist that it's... gee, against the law? to say the least, unhealthy, REALLY bad for still growing brains... knowing that the kid will go out and drink anyway.

I guess the important thing in our society is to be skinny and we just need to realize that kids are going to drink and have sex. So, why try to uphold any morals? That's just old fashioned. Why not be hip and up to date and "realistic" and teach our children to be "smart" in their vices?

I always feel like I'm so judgemental or something when I talk about these things- like I might offend someone. I feel frustrated because I just can't express how deeply it actually pains me to know these things are out there. Seriously, these things make me want to cry.

I like to think that I'm a loving enough person that if my teenage kid told me they were going to have sex whether I wanted them to or not, I would say, you know what I think and if this is the decision you're going to make then I will do what I need to to protect you from the gross stuff and disease and pregnancy. Or if they called me for a ride because they or their friend was too drunk to drive home, I would say I was glad they were smart enough to do that.

But what about the rest of it? How do you teach your kids that this stuff just isn't acceptable? That even if the whole world is doing it, we don't. It's not who we are. It's not what we believe in.

1 comment:

mudderbear said...

There's another term for the problem with taking those diet pills. It's called greasy flatulance. That should turn anybody off.

But realize that the company who produced such garbage still needs to sell their stuff, so they will continue to advertise it as something amazing. Tricky, aren't they?

I feel sorry for those poor celebrities who are caught up in such an awful web of self-destruction. If they could only know that it doesn't have to be so.

Try to keep in mind that all the hype on the internet, television celeb shows, and magazines at the grocery checkout, are showing THEIR world. It really isn't your world...thank goodness. They will sell you a big bill-of-goods trying to convince you that everyone is just like them, or wishes to be. But truth be told, most of us are just an average person doing average things.
I realize, of course, that problems from all this hypocrisy are increasing. It's all on the uprise...however....

What we can do about it: stop criticizing ourselves and others for not being "perfect." We, especially, need to let our mostloved family members and friends know they are totally perfect just the way they are. People come in a lot of shapes and sizes, but perhaps if you saw the celebs in person they would be ghastly "deformed." Khrys has come up with a phrase that sums it all up well...she calls it "self-inflicted famine." It's a good term, don't you think?

Do you remember the song, My Body Is A Temple? We really need to treat ourselve that way as well as others. Try to stay on the right path. Think PURITY for heaven's sake.