Friday, October 31, 2008

Trick or Treat

I dressed up (a little bit anyway) for Halloween today for the first time in... a few years anyway. I'm wearing a red velvet dress and sandals and big chandelier earrings. I have a sash tied around my forehead/front of my hair that is made of Halloween fabric in blues and purples with black velvety shapes of bats and witches. I'm wearing heavier make-up than usual and was thinking kind of a gypsy type look. I was going to try to take a picture of myself this morning, but got too hurried. Besides, I can't get on the internet at home right now and wouldn't be able to post it any time soon. So, you'll just have to imagine how pretty and festive I look. Hehe.


mudderbear said...

I'm imagining and

So sorry I didn't find a hat until it was too late.

Emily A. said...

I am imagining creative and beautiful genius.