Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I saw, but didn't read, an article in the paper with a picture of one of our senators. I think he is pretty well known and has been around for a while. It is also well known that he is a "good Mormon." I don't even know what the article was about but it made me think how it kind of bothers me when people add the phrase "and he's a member of the church" to explaining people and their behavior. It's even more bothersome when they are surprised that the person's actions don't live up to what "good Mormons" should be doing.

I guess it bothers me because saying someone is a Mormon or a member of the church should mean something. We should be able to have a little faith in these people as representatives of what our church stands for. But, we are all human. What really bothers me is that this expectation or explanation seems to dismiss good people who are not Mormon. Don't we expect moral, good choices of people who go to other churches or even no church? And can't people who aren't Mormon exhibit great and good behaviors? Doesn't God love them too?

I'm pretty sure most people don't mean it this way, but it's just something that I've been thinking about.

Yesterday driving home from work, a song was on the radio that wasn't a church song, not a Christian song, not a Classical piece of great value. It was quite secular. It's not even one I like all that much, but in my head, I said to my baby, oh, this is a great song. You have so much to experience here. Coincidentally, I was driving past a church.

I got to thinking of all the things I want to teach my children. Setting the church stuff aside, or even including it but not being exclusive to it, there is a lot of good stuff in life to experience. It kind of made me wonder if religion in general doesn't stifle a bit. Don't get me wrong, I've always believed that the commandments and standards of our church are there for our own benefit as much as anything. It just seems that rules and punishments sometimes... well, when you have a personality like mine anyway... kind of make you feel guilty for everything.

Things to enjoy in this life:

Caramel apples- but sugar is bad for you and there's too many calories and why take a perfectly wonderful, natural thing like an apple and put candy on it?

Music that makes you wanna dance and sing- a seminary teacher might point out to you what the song is "really" saying and anything secular is probably just about sex and drugs. Even if it's not, there are "better" things to listen to and do.

First kisses and holding hands and having crushes- whoa! this is a big one. Gotta watch that morality thing. Don't date until your 16, probably shouldn't think too much about it because you know where those thoughts will go... Oh my gosh! I'm so scared for your eternal salvation!

Swimming and feeling cold water and hot sun on your skin- better watch the modesty thing, see previous item... I can't say it all again, it's just too scary!

Staying in and drinking hot chocolate on a snowy day- lazy, lazy, lazy! where's your work ethic!

I guess I'm feeling a bit sarcastic and ornery today. It's not really a church thing, just kind of thinking and that seems to be the best label I have for it. I want to teach my children everything. I want them to be happy and enjoy this life and all that we're given here. I don't want that to be limited. Art, science, math, poetry, just having fun and enjoying things- THAT is what I sometimes think God has given us. Not rules and inhibitions to limit ourselves.


mudderbear said...

I fear we've really put a stigma on nonmembers in this valley. There is far too often that stipulation of they "are" or they "aren't". We should love everybody and everything and it sounds to me like we are being counciled to do that and stop being so judgemental. I'm not sure the Saviour had all these rules and judgements. He seems to say, live, be happy, love freely, and be thankful for all. I think you will do well with your family. We're a rather liberal thinking group....not that we aren't true to our beliefs and principles. We are, but candy on the apple doesn't scare us and nonmembers are great friends. Perhaps that makes us fearless ;> .
I hope so. There is too much to lose to get so uptight on those kinds of ussues.

Emily A. said...

Here Here!!!
I grew up with an incredibly guilty conscience. I was super sensitive to everything, so I grew up thinking there was no chance for me to ever be good enough. It wasn't until I got to be in my 20's that I started to realize that my whole perception of perfection and the purpose of my life and the gospel was wrong.

It isn't supposed to be about how I can be different from the world and perfect. The whole purpose is to become happier, have peace, and bring others into that peace through living the commandments and sharing our light and knowledge with others.

In my teens there were a lot of adults who liked to spout out irrelevant gospel rules like "if you don't get A's in seminary you will never go to BYU." I hated that kind of negative talk. I still do. Why do members do that?

When I was at BYU, I noticed that in Utah there was often a tendency for members to tell each other what they "should" be doing or "should" change about themselves to be "more" or "better" or "righteous" or "worthy" etc...I think that culture of telling others what they "should change" has permeated the church for years, and its our generation that needs to change it for our childrens sake.

We need to rise up and love instead of judge and testify of the power of living a covenant based moral code rather than a commandment code. Those who live the commandment code get caught in all of the details and rules and it gets all messed up.

Those that live in the covenant mode do what is right because they know it and are changed within. Its intrinsic motivation.

We can do so much more for people by loving them and sharing truth with them rather then telling them how they should change to conform to our idea of what is righteous or best for them.

Don't you dare skip out on a carmel apple. We can enjoy every treat this world has to offer in moderation. Lol. :)

P.S. I think it is so cute you are talking to your baby and thinking about the things it will experience while here.