Thursday, October 23, 2008

To Get to the Other Side

No joke. Today I actually had to stop my car to wait for a rooster to cross the road. He wasn't sure he wanted to go so he just stopped in front of my car for several minutes. Finally, I decided to go around him, afraid he'd bolt just as I started going. Phewf! He didn't. After I passed, a bit concerned because it's a busy little road in the morning (there's a school and a an office building nearby), I checked the rearview mirror to see him finish crossing the street.
Gas is less than $3 a gallon! I'm so excited. I have a full gas tank for the first time in months. I've been driving Jeff's car the last few days because mine was out of gas and I had to wait for pay day. It's nice to be back in my car. I'm quite attached emotionally to it. Is that wordly? When I bought it, I thought it would last me forever and be the car I drove my babies around in. It's funny that now that's coming true. My pretty purple car.
I think I've done really well emotionally being pregnant. I thought I would be freaking out and a blithering mess and was worried about Jeff. I think I've been pretty darn good, much to my surprise, that way. Lately though, I am overly sentimental. I wrote an email to Ben yesterday about looking for apartments and about burst into tears missing him. That's not too out of the ordinary- he's my favorite and SO far away. I thought of Karen the other day and got so melancholy- I haven't talked to her for so long. I had a conversation with Jeff's mom in my head and I was overwhelmed with gratitude for her help and so concerned that she'll think I'm not a good wife. And now, I just did the same thing talking about my car. I have so much feeling... Silly hormones :)
Pants, especially jeans, are always a bit snug fresh out of the dryer. I've found the better they fit in general, the more I have to stretch them out a bit after washing them. Lately, my pants have been snug even NOT just out of the dryer. This morning, fresh from the dryer, there was no hope of getting them done up. What was I going to do!? I only have two pairs that fit me now. I wore them around the house undone for as long as I could, took a deep breath and a hop and managed to get them done up. I ran out of breath bending over to kiss Jeff good bye.


mudderbear said...

this has been a fun read. The rooster reminds me of a similer experience I had with turtles in Fayetteville. They were so cute, just going across the road. I'm quite fond of turtles now.
We have to get you some pants. You can't go without them and when they don't fit, they just don't! I was going to type 'let's work on that this weekend' but it is this weekend. I can go to Mervyns...that's my only resource at the moment.
You echo my feelings closely about Ben and other emotional things. Sometimes I feel so lonely.....even the dog just sleeps all day long..haha..this house can be soooo silent. I prefer some noise.

Emily A. said...

That rooster had quite a nerve standing in your way on the road. Roosters are so cocky!

wha wah wahhhh...punny...i know. get to buy maternity pants! Yay! They are SO comfortable. I found some good ones at JC Penny's for pretty cheap...on sale. Wahoo!

I am so happy to hear you are emotional and sentimental. Being pregnant made me miss my family a lot.

If you wrote on your blog that you cried at the rooster crossing the road for some reason, then I would worry about you. :)

mudderbear said...

three cheers for emily keeping everything in perspective.