Thursday, October 09, 2008

Silly dreams

I've had two dreams the last two nights that somehow seem blog worthy. Probably aren't, but I thought they were somehow insightful into my life right now.

The night before last, I dreamed I went to get a haircut. The girl asked what I was thinking of and when I told her I brought a picture, she said she's been trying not to work from pictures because it limited her ability or kept her from getting better or something. So I tried to describe it to her. In real life, I've thought of this haircut, or something similar, but never settle on it. In the dream, she told me okay, be brave, we're going to do this. Just then, Jeff came in to the little log cabin, gift shop, hair salon, whatever place this was. I said, but you have to ask him first because he probably won't like it. I don't know if I woke up then or the dreamed just changed or what but I also remember thinking I had to remember to tell her I'm pregnant and really too lazy to do anything with my hair right now so I needed something very low maintenance. I also didn't want to go too short because when the baby comes, I'll want to be able to just pull my hair up and not worry about it.
I really was determined to be cool pregnant. Right now, I'm doing good if I can get up, take a shower and get dressed for work. Hair, make-up, looking good? Who can think of such things!

Last night I dreamed that they told me my job was done. I wasn't fired, it was just over. Friday would be my last day. I was so happy and relieved to not have to worry about it anymore. Then I realized I'd have to get a new one and that was kind of a bummer, but I thought I'd just get something easy going to get through until the baby comes.


Emily A. said...

You should draw a picture of what your hair cut will look like and post it. I want to see it. :)

I think I remember my dreams being more vivid and weird when I was pregnant. I had a dream about a family reunion that really made me miss my relatives. Awww...

mudderbear said...

It shows what you're worrying about...or wishing for as the case may be with your job. They're interesting. Mine are always very boring....VERY boring. Shows you what my life is about.