Friday, September 12, 2008

This is my dog Niobe (pronounced nie-o-bee but we usually call her no-bee or just puppy). She's neurotic. Seriously. Thus, she is afraid of the camera. I thought if I took her and it outside and took pictures of the trees, she'd see there was nothing to be afraid of. At least I hoped to sneak a good picture. This one came close, but she moved her head as soon as I pushed the button. Oh well. It's still pretty good for seeing what she looks like. You can kind of tell what a pretty face she has and that her body is normal size but her legs are short and stocky. I always think of her as a big wiener dog. She's actually a basset hound/beagle mix. Jeff calls her a bagel!


mudderbear said...

GREAT PICTURES......I think maybe I should get on the photography ball. I want to post everyone I've got, of course, so I have a lot with little tiny faces in them. I guess that's kind of okay, 'cause I know what these people look like. [?] That doesn't really make sense.

Emily A. said...

Cute doggy! My brother has a basset hound. They are such little characters!

The Damsel said...

i think that kind of dog is actually called a bagelhound. Seriously, look it up. It's funny!
I love Niobe...I think your pictures are really great.