Tuesday, August 05, 2008

The Sunny Side of the Street

I slept a lot last night. I feel like I went to bed really early. I still had a hard time getting up this morning and by the time I drove to work, I was SO tired. Maybe I'm getting sick. I've also been very stressed lately with our financial situation.
However, when I took the dog out this morning, hoping she'd hurry because I needed to get in the shower, the air was a bit cool and smelled like rain. I thought that it is kind of nice to get up and go out side first thing in the morning. I tried to enjoy just feeling and smelling the air. It gave me more patience with the dog and started my day on a more calm note.

1 comment:

mudderbear said...

When it comes to August, just sit down and wait for it to pass. It's hot..everything is dried up..and it's hot. It will pass.

Wouldn't it be nice to be in Alaska??