Thursday, August 14, 2008


What a week this has been!
I'm sitting here now, just stealing a minute to clear my head and catch my breath. Phewf! I'm too tired and emotionally drained to read any real news, so I clicked onto something on the MNS webpage. Can't even remember what or why. Anyway, I was reading some article about relationships and looking at the other articles it had linked on the page. Phooey! What a bunch of crap. I wondered why we think any of these people really know anything? Then I realized how easily I filter some things but other things just kinda stick in my head. There are some people who I give no credence to at all! If they were to give me advice or even if I just over heard their opinions on certain topics, I wouldn't give it a care in the world, unless of course it was to think how off the mark they are or realize what a different world they live in. But then I'll read the same kind of thing in a magazine written by some "expert" and think the world is falling apart. I better watch my thoughts more closely. It's funny how every once in a while I have to remind myself that you can't believe everything you read. And even if you do and even if it's true, it doesn't mean it has to be part of your world. Just toss it out with the trash.


mudderbear said...

By the time you're my age you will realize, if you don't already, that those magazines repeat themselves over and over. It is very easy to predict what will be featured depending on what month it is. It gets pretty boring after awhile. And don't forget, they are trying to get your attention from the last time, so I think they tend to exagerate most of it.

mudderbear said...

I love your picture at the bottom. It so represents you and how you feel about things.

Emily A. said...

The more I know, the more I realize how much others don't know even though they claim they do. Heh Heh.