Thursday, October 18, 2007

Planting Mustard Seeds (my latest daydream)

The other night I went to sleep dreaming up my home tutoring business, RobbCo Tutoring. It's an idea I've always toyed with as a possibility for a stay at home mom. Sometimes I think of it just as a fantasy to keep myself going and feeling like SOMETHING will work out. But sometimes lately, I find myself planning details and visualizing it so realistically, I believe it could really happen. I've planned how to price things, what "deals" I could offer, how I would organize and schedule it, how I would advertise it. I can see me in my sunny apartment, holding my baby, and helping high school kids with their Calculus homework, my cute husband in the next room. How much more perfect could life be?

I get scared. It would take effort and assertiveness and be unpredictable. Maybe people would be skeptical- not the students "buying my business" but the people I'd need to support me in my ideas- and tell me it's not possible.
But I also get this feeling of trusting myself a bit. Of thinking of myself not as one of all the rest of these people but believing that I have some abilities and accomplishments that have to take me somewhere.
I think I blogged about being a llama farmer? Maybe it was my journal. Maybe this is my llama farm. I could be in control. I could be home. I could give of my talents. I could make the decisions. And maybe with a little bit of faith, it would prosper?

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