Friday, December 12, 2008

The Thanksgiving Continues

For the last two years, the paycheck before Thanksgiving had a $25 gift card to Smith's in it. This is great for stretching the budget. This year, that payday came and went and I didn't even think about it until some of the guys I sit by were talking about it. We assumed that with all the cutbacks being made, that was something that had to go. Oh well. We wouldn't complain.
But! in my last check, there was a gift card! I was thinking I could use it to buy candy bars for Christmas presents for all our nephews (well, not JUST the nephews, I just say it that way because we suddenly have so many between the two of us and it's kind of fun). Sadly though, my car was out of gas yesterday and it not so sadly dawned on me that some of the Smith's stores have gas stations. Perhaps the gift card would work there?
So we went. AND it did work! AND not only did I get free gas, but because I shop at Smith's, I had earned a $0.15 off per gallon reward. Not too shabby. AND gas prices have fallen so much lately anyway. I got a full tank of gas- over 13 gallons (I don't know if I've EVER been that out) for $18.41 that I didn't even have to pay for! Without the gift card, I don't know what I would have done- walked to work today? :)

Yesterday I also called my favorite nephew James for his birthday. He's 17!!!!!! I can't even believe it. I know, I know, I'm not supposed to have favorites, but James and I have always been close. I still claim him, selfishly without regard to his parents, as MY baby. I spent the first year, year and a half out of high school taking care of the kid mostly because my mom was taking care of our grandparents and his parents had to work. He was such a beautiful boy (and still is!). I would pack him around everywhere with me. Sometimes I would pick the other kids up from school and we'd get out of the car and play on the lawn. I remember laying on my back on the ground, putting my feet on his chest and lifting him up in the air so he could fly. One time when the elementary school was doing school pictures, I volunteered to take him when they did the little kids' pictures. He wore a blue sweater and we spiked his white blonde hair and he had the cutest smile.
I once worried that someday he'd be too old and too cool to hug his auntie. I also was afraid that life changes and one of us would move away. I just hoped he'd remember, at least in some way, the feelings we had when he was little. Fortunately for me, he still hasn't gotten too old or too cool or too far away. I don't see him much anymore, but he always hugs me and tells me he loves me. Last night (shh, don't tell his other aunties) he said that I'm his favorite aunt and I "better never forget it." When I got married, I was told that he said something pretty darn cool in defense of me and my feelings and my day.
Just to be silly, Jeff has decided to call my Jamesy, "Jimmy." As I talked to James last night, Jeff called out "happy birthday Jimmy." When I told James what he'd said, he laughed. I said, "you know, that's probably gonna stick so if it bugs you, you better let us know." He said it was totally fine. I think it's cute that Jeff would give him a nick-name.
Anyway, it was just great to talk to James yesterday and have him say what he said. I really adore the guy. (P.S. I hope I don't hurt anyone else's feelings saying this about him. My affection for James does not diminish my feelings for any of my other "favorites.")


mudderbear said...

I notice I'm always here first. I hope that isn't obnoxious. Anyway...

I love this blog. Please be sure to keep it somehow, somewhere, so it never gets lost. I understand what you say about James being yours. He always has been. I felt the same way about Gina...and it has nothing to do with anyone being "less than." It just is a special bonding. You and I both had Khrystine as our little doll to "play with", and James belonged to you and Gina was mine. I hope nothing ever changes except for the better. It's priceless to love people like this.
I love the nickname, Jimmy, and I love that it's Jeff who is doing it.

The Damsel said...

That's so sweet...I love you and James and how you are with each other.

Heather said...

Seriously, so sweet... I feel so blessed to be in James life and have the memories that I have but how precious to have the memories you have.... he'll love you all forever, thats just how he is...