Monday, June 09, 2008

Monday pick me up

I guess my last couple posts have been... well, less than pleasant. Too bad (not like too bad for you, but like that's too bad for me because I was signing in for more complaining!). I'm just checking in now to whine and complain so now I'm thinking I should be more positive. I'm sure I was having some kind of good thoughts this morning! Oh well.... It's just been a Monday and I'm not really ready to start the week. It's almost over though.

So a woman at work I really like and talk to frequently and would call a friend returned a book to another coworker when I happened to be standing there. They were talking about it and I commented that it sounded neat, kind of to be polite, kind of because it did sound nice. The woman who owns the book then asked if I wanted to borrow it next. I said sure. I like reading and would like to have something new to think about.
The weird thing is, before I even started reading it, I had a really strong feeling that I didn't want to. I thought perhaps I was just being negative and started reading it anyway. I'd read only about a chapter and a half and it was really bothering me emotionally. I didn't think I wanted to continue. As you can probably guess, if you know me at all, I wondered how I would return the book and answer "how'd you like it?" if I didn't finish it. So, yesterday I kept reading.
The story is interesting enough that I want to see how it plays out. But really, it's not THAT well written. I can't tell you how many times the narrator says "I can't tell you how... sad, scary, beautiful, whatever... it was. Words just can't describe it." At first I thought it was because it was about a young girl. But then, even when it told us she was maturing and thinking more adult thoughts, it was the same. So that is kind of... well, annoying.
The book is a story, completely fictional, but based on our church's beliefs, mostly about dying and how that could comfort a family who had suffered a kidnapping/murder. I thought that would be interesting but I keep getting the feeling like "how do you know?" And "if you do know, shouldn't this be a personal thing?" I don't know. Maybe for some reason I'm just hard hearted. Maybe there are things in the story that effect my emotions even if I don't realize it or understand why. And I think that mostly I get the feeling that someone who thinks they know is trying to put a band-aid on a mortal wound of someone who really knows what it feels like. Ba-humbug me eh?
I may keep reading it just to see how it ends.
The real question though is, how do I politely return it? Today I thought I could just say thanks so much for sharing, it was very interesting etc. If pressed, or even if not, I could just say "you know, it was too emotional and I couldn't read it." That would be alright. But, being me, I'd probably feel too rude or stupid to say it so I'd have to pretend I finished it and oh, wasn't it so nice? Anyway...

Friday the 13th is Jeffy's birthday. I'm taking the day off and we're going out. I also hope to get my car inspected, even though I don't know how we'll pay for it, and do some other errand type things. I feel like I had a day off recently (I think I did) but feel like I really need it again. Perhaps I'm getting spoiled. I really am trying to enjoy little things like this more though and trying to think happy and positively and productively about where life is going. I'm going to the grocery store on my way home and I'm trying to think of it as fun or playing house or something. I get to be the one to feed us and take care of us and last time I was at the store they had some pretty turquoise plastic glasses for $1. I might pick up one or two. And buy some salad makings! Mmm.... salad. Maybe some pink lemonade to acknowledge the season or something.


Melanie said...

Happy Birthday, Jeff!

mudderbear said...

you need to acknowledge your own specialness. The grocery store trip sounds so...Parisienne...romantic. That's the way I want to live. Unfortunately, it wouldn't make a difference what I brought home,it would appear bland and even repugnant to people. For example...just to join in with the whining and crying, haha...Last night I cooked the quiche left over from the birthday party. Quiche is elegant, right? Wrong! Turns out, I ended up fixing another dish for the mister, because, well, the quiche just wasn't good enough !!!!!!!!##########

About the book....There is no reason you have to embrace it as well. Shoot! two out of three like it, that's good. You get to be the 1/3 that disagrees. But when you return it, you might answer the question of how did you like it, with a question to them about what did they think about.....?ANd then change the subject just a smidge by saying, "have you read?..
A few years ago, there was a series of books, written from the lds viewpoint, and centered around WW11..A lot of people were reading them and thought they were sooo good.
Like you, I found them to be not really well written, and with no complexity for interest. You have a right to your own likings. And who wants to 'dumb down' to read a book??
Hope you have a happy birthday with your honey. Enjoy that day!!!!and the weekend with it.

Heather said...

Tell Jeff Happy Birthday from us and email me if you're interested in a bbq on Saturday even though it is his birthday weekend. We're kind of doing a 'fathers' day thing Saturday instead of Sunday...