Monday, April 21, 2008

My Wicked Thoughts

I entertained myself this morning by imagining all the stress I could put on someone else by quitting my job. If I wasn't here to do it, maybe then they'd realize how much I do. Sure there are people I would feel bad about leaving stuff to, but there are one or two that I would delight in seeing their discomfort, especially when other people I do SO much to help can't get help from these people because they are too ornery. Oh how they would miss me and not like her! What pleasure it brings me to know that other people wouldn't like her. How wicked is that?

On a better note, I made myself the best salad ever for lunch today! I bought not just iceberg lettuce but green leaf lettuce. It's softer and darker colored, which I've read means it has more vitamins. I think it also has a richer flavor. I bought crushed pecans, crumbled feta cheese, dried cranberries, and chicken chunks already cooked in the deli section. Top it off with home made Hidden Valley Ranch dressing made with butter milk and some Triscuits on the side and what a great lunch I had! Hm, I think I'm hungry again already...

In response to Mudder's blog, I've been reading more about the polygamist stuff. Today I read a few things that made me feel sad for the people. I think they were raised in the same environment I'm thinking it's necessary to take the kids out of. How would they know better? They think they are doing the right thing and are probably being persecuted by a wicked world for it. We think they'd have to know it's wrong to marry young girls etc. But maybe they have no other frame of reference. I suppose that's the really scary thing. If they could be so committed to their beliefs that we think are wrong, it's possible for any of us to be wrong about our beliefs. Isn't it? So Benthephilosopher, how do we know what we know?

Now back to my evil self. I'm signed in to messenger at work so I can keep in touch a bit with Jeff throughout the day (I guess that's okay by work standards. It's not like I chat all day long). With this, a little message pops up everytime I get an email. So, all day long I've been watching a certain few people send me forwards. I don't mind an occassional forward. Some people really find something funny, sweet, or important to pass on to me and it's nice to have SOMETHING to read when I need a break. But, some people I think just forward anything and everything to anyone and everyone in their address book. Some of these, I've recieved 3 or 5 times! I really don't have time for it. I'm thinking of making an ultimatum. NO MORE FORWARDS PLEASE! But then, that would offend those of you who are actually thinking of me when you hit the forward button. That certainly isn't my intent. Is it possible to block selective things? Hm, have to look into that.


mudderbear said...

I just lost my comment....pushed the wrong button. Ooooops!!!

So, first I said I was very happy to find your blog here because I missed talking to you today...which makes three days or more counting weekend days. You sound like you feel better so Hooray for that!

I appreciate your comments on the polygamy situation. It's what I was thinking of when I typed my blog. Probably most of those women and the children don't see the whole operation as a rescue, but see it more like persecution. It could be a bad precedent for others as well.

Visualizing your foes in terrible trouble sounds like a good way to cope with the irritations of dealing with them everyday. After awhile your mind just does what it has to do to survive. I won't tell you the daydreams I've dreamed up.....but I will say it helps to go into another world sometimes. (guess I sound like a real nutjob, don't I?)

I promise to watch what I'm forwarding to you. I know what you mean because this very day, I got 14 forwards from just one person and I had seen all of them I think. And there were almost that many from one or two others. Maybe they are paying me back for mine.

Have a good day...stay happy.

Benjamin said...

I'm too tired to respond to your meaningful question about how we know what we know, but if you catch me at a good time, maybe I'll say something interesting. (Maybe!)

As for forwards -- I HATE THEM! People worry about how much time Americans spend watching TV, but that's gotta be a whole lot more worthwhile than the four or five hours per day that people spend on forwards! Melanie had 35 forwards in less than 24 hours just the other day! I feel like my personal email address, the one I reserved just for those I "know and love" is the one that's turned into a crap junk email because honestly I very rarely get personal emails, but I got forward after forward after forward after forward after forward after forward after forward after forward after forward after forward after forward!

What you need to do is get on Gmail, because then you CAN filter out forwards! (Actually, you probably can with a lot of email servers, but Gmail is fantastic for such things.) I'll admit, my email is setup to automatically trash forwards. What are the chances of missing something all that important? Not very!

(Sorry, this is kind of a pet peeve of mine.)