Wednesday, April 30, 2008

If I had a Million Dollars

If I never had to worry about money, it just didn't exist or I had enough for what I needed...
I would go live in Jackson, Wyoming in some kind of old farm house. I'd write all the crazy, beautiful, ugly, weird, simple, insightful stories that have filled my head since I was ten years old. I'd wear dresses or plain boxy t-shirts and cute girl pants and run around the fields with my children. I'd read. I'd think. I'd plant pink and white tulips. I'd have a swing in a tree and a hammock and a tree house that I would visit as often as the kids do. I'd eat bread and hot cocoa. I'd learn how to make lemonade and plant strawberries to put in it.

The point of this exercise is supposed to be that you realize what you really want and that you don't need a million dollars to do it. But, I think I do. What I want is so far away...


mudderbear said...

You should just go far away...seriously,your heart is in another place. I don't know how you get there. After reading your next blog first, it really sounds like you are lost. This isn't where you want to be that's for sure.But hang on to your dreams...there's still plenty of possibilities. I wonder what I would do with a million dollars, and I don't have an answer pop up right away. Isn't that sad??

Heather said...

Sounds nice... I had something like that once, but the price I paid was too great... so I learned to dream in baby steps... one thing at at time, one day at a time. And at our house 'someday' is the best day ever....