Thursday, March 05, 2009

My Mumsy

Last night I went out with my mom. We went to a little diner place that has really good food and is quite inexpensive (I think). I ate pancakes- yum! One of the few real cravings I get. And we went to the fabric store and ShopKo to look at baby stuff. It's so much fun. There are so many pretty things! And yet, I get a bit confused because everything is so cute, I want this and that and something else, but at the same time can't settle and want to be a bit smart and frugal about things. Hmm...

I talk a lot to my mom. Sometimes I worry I tell her more than she wants to know. Sometimes I worry I'm too gossipy and judgemental. But I also think I'm just sorting through my head and it helps so much to have someone that listens and relates and talks back without trying to fix it or change my mind, but just understands.

I feel an especial need for my mom because I'm pregnant. For all the people I talk to and tell me their experiences, I feel like my mom's the only one who really knows. That's not to discount other people, it just seems like in things like this, you tend to be like your mom so she's a good one to go to for help. Besides, it's more comfortable telling her stuff than anyone else.

This isn't nearly as eloquent as I would like to be. I just thought I'd check in because I'm feeling really good today. Physically I feel better than I have in a while and mentally and emotionally I feel back on track. I think being with my mom has a lot to do with this. I'm excited and feel ready to take the next step. We've moved, now get settled and get ready for baby! That's a fun, relieved feeling to have finally. Thanks mom!


mudderbear said...

You are awesomely welcome.
I need to be with you too.
Thank you for saying such nice things.

Emily A. said...

Isn't it wonderful that we can confide in our mothers, and that they understand us REALLY good?

I am so happy you are feeling better. I can't wait for you to have that little girl. I am excited for you!