Thursday, February 26, 2009

There's no place like... my own bed

Last night was our first night in our new living situation. After work, I went to the apartment to get a few forgotten things we needed for the night and morning. I tried not to cry driving there knowing it's not home any more. I walked in the empty apartment without even the dog to greet me and started to cry. I stood in the doorway to our bedroom and cried, thinking of our little memories.
The day we moved in, we hadn't seen our actual apartment yet, just the model. They gave us our keys and a check list to go look before we signed the final agreement etc. When we walked into the empty apartment that day, we both had such a calm feeling of "this is home." I've loved walking in the neighborhood, just going in the "backyard." I loved the red brick wall on the patio. I loved having a patio! I loved my angled cupboards in the kitchen.

I didn't stay too long and drove out to Jeff's dad's house. When I got there, I think I felt scared to go in. I didn't want to cry in front of people, especially people who have been so generous to share their home with us. Luckily, Jeff came out to help me carry stuff and knew that I would be sad. He hugged me and talked me through it and the other boys came out to help carry stuff.
Jeff was excited to show me the room that he'd set up for us (he and his step dad moved our final big stuff to the house yesterday- the bed and chests of drawers and stuff we needed for the night). We went down stairs and looked around. Funny enough, when I walked in the room and Jeff was there, I still felt like I was home.
Our bed looks small, which is good because that means the room feels big. And against the wall you walk in facing, there is a pretty wooden vanity with shelves up the side of the mirror and drawers in the desk part. They were going to throw it away, but Jeff thought I would like it. It was great to have a place to set up my stuff. The sister who used to have the room had put those glow in the dark stars all over the ceiling and down some of the walls. When it's dark, they glow and it feels really cool.
After settling some of my stuff, I went up to have dinner. I was SO hungry by then it's no wonder I was crying. Everyone else had already eaten, but the food was still set out on the counter so I could get dinner. What a relief to have someone else think it up and lay it out. They've planned sandwich nights all week to make the moving and working everyone is doing a bit easier. They also had four different kinds of jello. I don't know why, but jello is even better being pregnant. I think it's sweet and wet (I get very hungry for fruit for this reason too) and it supposedly has good protein (I'll just believe it, I've never read the label).
I ate and sat on the couch with everybody around watching t.v. We haven't had any t.v. in at least 4 months. It's sad to admit it, but I've missed it and was glad to be watching anything- even commercials- and didn't care what it was. I relaxed a lot.
When we went to bed, I got in bed while Jeff was checking something to do with the computer (we now have internet again because we can connect to theirs wirelessly). I lay down and ahhhh! I said, hey, this is my bed. It felt so good.
Being in the basement, there are a lot of stairs for a pregnant lady. We were the last ones to go to bed so we turned off all the lights and the house was pretty dark. There is a light on the stairs but we hadn't turned in on yet. The dog (our dog) went down first and suddenly we heard a quick thump, thump, thump. It's mean, but we both laughed at the thought of her tripping down the stairs. When I got up at my normal 2 o'clock to go to the bathroom, it was a long way up the stairs, but I must admit, the thought was worse than actually doing it. I slept really well last night.
This morning when my alarm went off, I didn't want to get out of bed until I knew I could get in the bathroom. I was sure I heard water and waited for a long time thinking someone sure takes long showers. Finally we got up because one of the dogs came down to find our dog and they were making really weird noises on both sides of our door. We jumped up thinking we better get Niobe outside.
In a way, it helped to have such a busy house in the morning. I tried to hurry and do what I needed so that others can do what they needed. Nicely, they were all hurrying to get out of my way. It all went smoothly and by the time I was dressed, everyone was gone except me, Jeff's dad (who is starting a new job next week), Jeff and all the dogs. I ate shredded wheat for breakfast and was able to make a good fat sandwhich on wheat bread for lunch.

I think we're going to be okay.


Melanie said...

So so happy to hear it!!! They sound very thoughtful and nice!

Heather said...

I'm so glad, maybe you'll get a chance to relax before the baby is here...

mudderbear said...

I love your closing statement. I think I've been holding my breath for you. So, okay, this is good.
Your room sounds nice and everyone sounds sweet. I'm happy for the two/three of you.

Emily A. said...

I think your good feelings can be taken as confirmation that this is what is right for you right now in your life, and Heavenly Father is aware of you. I know its been difficult anticipating all of the changes, but I have high hopes that you will now have a chance to relax and prepare for that wonderful baby to come. She'll be here faster than you know it!