Monday, February 16, 2009

Here we go....

We officially started moving this weekend. Once I get started, I just want it to be done. Our house is a mess, I'm exhausted, and there is still SO much to do. Both my mom and Jeff's mom asked if I'm okay and are quite concerned about this change for me. It's nice of them to be aware that this isn't easy for me, but, for the record, yes, I'm okay. It's going to be different, but I've come to terms with things (I hope) and am looking forward.

Did I mention there's yet another dog living where we're going? Jeff's dad bought a Shitzu with his tax return money. He plans to use him for breeding and make some money that way. It is the cutest little teddy bear/Ewok faced thing I've ever seen. He's tiny and fluffy and mostly black, so you can't even see his face from a distance. We've had our dog over there a bit lately and although she's the biggest, she definitely doesn't rule the nest. Luckily, she gets along with the new one pretty well. The chihuahuas on the other hand, just aren't liked by anyone from my house and the feeling seems to be mutual.

Saturday we went to a Valentine's dinner with Jeff's dad's church. It was at a restaurant but we had our own room reserved. They played games and served the food buffet style. It was fun and today I'm craving the shredded beef they had for the tacos. I think I'm needing protein today anyway. It's one of those days I just can't seem to eat enough.

A couple weeks ago, at about 5 in the morning, Jeff came in and said "here, hold this" and put something soft and fuzzy in my hand, which happened to be close to my face. Being asleep, my thoughts were not quite coherent. I thought, our dog is not that small, she's not having puppies- I am, did he find a cat? Once I woke up, I realized it was a small Valentine bear. It is so cute (cuter than the Shitzu!). It's white with a red nose, red hearts on it's paws and a bow with dangling hearts that say Be Mine around it's neck. I bought Jeff a card and tried to say something I just really want him to get about how I feel about him and some candy.

Last Thursday, I went to the doctor. I had to do a glucose test for gestational diabetes. It wasn't as bad as I had worried it could be. I went in fasting and had to drink an orange, carbonated sugar drink. The first taste was okay but the after taste was blek. I had 5 minutes to drink it all and it looked small enough I thought that was plenty of time. Jeff kept watch on his clock and the time flew by. I finished it right on time. I got pretty shakey, light headed and giggly. Then the baby started bouncing all over my tummy. But I survived. And the results are in and the sugar and the iron all look normal. Yay! I was a bit concerned about the diabetic stuff. But I'm trying to take care of myself :)

Today is surprisingly calm for a Monday. It's kind of nice, except I can barely stay awake. If I was busy (and often annoyed on Monday), at least it keeps me going :) I still have plenty to do, so I better get to it.


mudderbear said...

YOu sound good today, like you're feeling better. Glad the sugar is okay. I promise I'll come help you clean up.

Heather said...

yeah for good glucose tests... those are nasty... let me know if you need help, I have lots o kids for rent... ok, free to family...

Emily A. said...

I'm happy to hear your tests went okay. The glucose one is weird. Its not natural feeling to ingest all of that sugar at once. :)

I also craved taco's while I was pregnant. Its weird. There's lots of good stuff in taco's that your body needs so I guess its natural.

Dude..I didnt know you were moving so soon. We are moving at the end of the month, and I dont know how we are going to do it because Steven is working overtime everyday and every weekend. When I was pregnant the last thing I wanted to so was move. I feel for you.

My neighbor had a shitzu when I was a kid. They are funny little dogs. Big personality.

You sound good. I am glad you are blogging. I haven't had time. Chat at you soon!