Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Wishes and Fishes

I was quite uplifted and inspired by BennyK's blog about posthumous classes. What a great way to get out of this world and think about what really matters and what we really want to be doing! I also found Heather's recent blog about the recession and her kids to be quite thought provoking (although I didn't know what to say and didn't comment).

Yesterday at work, a few people were talking about helping their teenagers get cars. One girl was saying that she'd like to help them get a new, reliable car, something inexpensive, that could help build their credit, teach them responsibility, and be dependable when they go off to college. Another guy was saying that he pays his daughter's insurance as long as she is getting good grades etc. He's also helping with his son's college and getting ready to send him on a mission.

Another girl at work has had her husband working in Alaska or Canada? on and off for the past few months. They were married last March. I think I'd go crazy having my husband gone like that! But, he has a really good job that he worked hard through school to get and, I heard her tell someone, he's making as much money doing this project as she'll make this whole year, so that kind of makes it worth it.

I know I'm a judgemental person. I don't mean to be in a negative way. I just find things interesting and different things like this hit me in different ways, which helps me to know what I think and feel. That's usually my point when I talk about people- it's really supposed to be about me, not them.

I just felt like these few overheard conversations/statements made me realize how little I want money to be a part of my motivation. I think that's easy to say when you have enough, but when you don't, it's really hard to live with. Besides, some things are worth working for.

I've been reading a book from Mom about wishing. So far, it's really about being clear about what you want and believing that you can have it. We seem to get so bogged down in "reality" and "THE recession" and day to day survival, that it's hard to remember that not only do we WANT to study surfing, trapeze, cooking, and quantum physics, but we think we can't and that life HAS to be hard and punitive or something.

The point I'm really trying to make with all these random thoughts is that it's been a rough couple of weeks. I tend to value in myself my ability to rise up when the going gets tough and make decisions and, in some way, take charge of things. I almost feel my thoughts taking shape in that way.

I believe that kids, teenagers don't NEED their own cars.
I believe that a husband at home is more important than making lots of money (I also believe that supporting each other in career goals etc is important so it's subjective to the situation).
I believe that learning and study and reaching our potential is what life should really be about.

What classes do I want to look forward to in the afterlife? What do I want to learn and be and do without waiting for the afterlife, or even the after-now?
What do I wish for?

It's coming. It's hard to hear in the noise, but I'm getting somewhere...

1 comment:

Emily A. said...

I agree! Of course I do! You are a smart woman.