Thursday, February 07, 2008

Super Tuesday

My ninth grade geography/U.S. government teacher was the cheerleading coach. I respect cheerleading as a sport and our school even went to the national championship thing two or three times while I was in high school and won 1st or 3rd or pretty high place once. However, I remember my freshman year, my teacher repeatedly stopping class to discuss markers, posters, and fund raisers with that year's head cheerleader. I don't suppose we, the students, cared much. But now??? I know NOTHING of politics, government, etc. The most I learned of it was my junior year when my sweet old physics teacher let us watch the presidential debates in class!

So, what was super Tuesday? I thought it had something to do with the Super Bowl (just kidding, but for all I know, it could have!). I know they had primary elections. I thought it was to decide for sure who's running for president. But, trying to read about it? Trying to inform and educate myself? I was going to say, the best I could find was what Hillary thinks of Obama or Romney thinks of himself, but I don't think I even got that much information! I have been able to read quite a bit about Romney's personal life, which I DO think is important in politics, but not really anything about the issues and where he stands and what he's going to do. And finding out who "won" on Wednesday? There seemed to be even less!

Speaking of issues, do I even know what the President does? I could probably list the five or so positions he/she holds- like Commander in Chief, etc. But what I DO remember learning in government class made me think that the president, while having all these responsibilities, can't really DO anything. The senate has to pass any legislation. The courts decide if it's fair. That whole checks and balances thing made me think the president couldn't really do much more than make suggestions. But, that hardly seems true.

As for issues, what about the war? I try to read up on that too and I can't follow anything. Perhaps I'm not as smart and educated as I like to think. But really! So much of what I read, I don't even know if it's true or not. The only thing I do understand is that if I'm a woman, I'm supposed to vote for Hillary, if I'm black for Obama, and if Mormon for Mitt. But what if I were a black woman or I am a Mormon woman? What then! And I read that if you registered... wait, how'd it go? If you registered as a Democrat you could vote for anyone, but if you registered as a Republican, you could only vote Republican? Or you could only vote Republican if you registered as one? I don't know! It's all so confusing.

The thing is, I do think I'm a smart person. So, of all these people voting, does anyone really know anything? That's scary.

1 comment:

mudderbear said...

I don' know nothin'. You seem to know a lot more than some people do. I agree with you on everything. And some of that highschool was really a waste of time.