Friday, February 08, 2008

I'd do it Again

Our one year anniversary is coming up in just over a month. In a way, the time has flown by and I'm saying "a year already?" But when I think about things in the beginning, when we were dating (almost two years ago!), they seem like forever ago. I feel like I've known this person forever. I like him a lot. He's really sweet and very cute :)

Jeff and I have both scheduled time off of work, giving us a nice 5 day weekend! - our anniversary being on a Monday. We have also made arrangements to stay at the very posh Little America hotel downtown for just one night (it's a bit pricey). This probably isn't the most pratical way to spend money, but after making the reservation and deciding that we would do it, I was so excited! It feels like not the most practical but perhaps the best way to spend some extra money I earned around Christmas time.

I think it's important to do fun things. I think it's important to celebrate things like birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, accomplishments, etc. I've been raised (sure, I'll blame the folks- well, one of them at least) to be very practical and responsible. I think it's part of my own nature as well. It's been a good thing. I've always (almost) made good choices and accomplished some things I might not have had I been more care free. But it's also been a bad thing. It's like I don't think I deserve the fun things, the frivolity (perhaps I should try to use that word in every post from now on!). This seriousness and inability to be... well, relaxed about much of anything, takes it's toll, even on my relationship with Jeff and our marriage- the one thing I value more than anything in my life. It's hard even to love or be loved when everything comes with such rigidity.

Well, this was supposed to be a happy post not about all my psychological hangups! And that's my point. I feel very happy and excited that my hubby and I are taking the time and even some hard earned money to do something fun to celebrate us! I can't wait and I'm going to relish that 21 hours in a hotel room for everything it's worth. It's already doing me a world of good!


mudderbear said...

This is such good news. Let me tell you what I learned about marriage but learned too late. I learned this from my parents, to be sacrificing and ever-giving and very serious. I don't know why I never realized it could also be fun. But it should needs to be. It might be the biggest mistake I ever made...not having fun with it. That's one thing it's there for. It's a great way to support each other.

Heather said...

It's an absolute must... Of course you know that's what Steve and I just did, it wasn't practical at all but boy it was necessary. It was so fun to just hang out with him, reconnect, feel like we were dating again. Sit in a hot tub all night and watch movies! it was great! Happy Anniversary and have fun!