Thursday, February 28, 2008

Let's Talk About Sex

I just read the weirdest article. I'm not even sure what I think of it, but think we should discuss it. Maybe. Maybe I'm too embarrassed.
The article discusses whether or not you can reinstate your virginity. It looks at both spiritual and physical ways people (mostly women) are claiming to do this.
While I believe in repentance and etc, I'm not so sure we can just give this away and then take it back. Isn't that the point? Isn't that what makes it important? But, it does raise some interesting questions about attitude and the physical side of it and...
Well, if you have the time, read the article and let me know what you think. (I'm out of time and on my way out of work. I'll think and write my fabulous opinionated response later).


mudderbear said...


it is a subject that has been discussed over time. I remember reading something similar before I got married. And that has been hundreds of years ago.

JoAnna said...

As Jeffrey said this morning, no matter how you try to change it, you'll know in your heart you already shared that with someone.

Benjamin said...

These things sort of annoy me. Things like this continually come up where people cry and scream that such-and-such a label should apply to them as well. In the end, it all ends up a debate about language and that seems really pointless. The question of whether or not these people are "really" virgins only makes sense because we're asking what we mean by the word. It really has no bearing on who these people are or what they've already done! If we mean by "virgin": "someone who's never had intercourse" then no, it doesn't apply to them. If it means "someone who abstains from sex at the moment" then sure, I guess it does, but that hardly seems to validate them in any way. Is that all they want? A label? That doesn't seem very helpful to their cause, if you ask me. If we give them the word "virgin," we'll just have to come up with another word to refer to those we used to call virgins, but then these people will be excluded from that word. In the end, what difference does it all make?

JoAnna said...

I love it when Ben talks. I think that about sums it up! Very wise you are.

I thought this was rather thought provoking as a way to start a conversation about standards etc. I haven't yet put together my own comments on it. Perhaps I'll have to revisit this one!

I just found it rather annoying that people could take something that I think is kind of important and decide that if they think about it hard enough then they can take back their actions. It's also troublesome though that it could be such an important thing to "men" that there are people that physically try to change themselves in order to get it back. What are they getting? The experience, the heart, etc, has already been given. Hmm...