Friday, May 11, 2007

Sad story

I talked to a friend I haven't talked to in a while last night. We've known each other since we were in 7th grade and there are a few of us left that are still in contact. She's having all kinds of trouble with her kids and ex-husband. She also told me of another friend from high school who finally got divorced. It had always sounded like she was in an abusive relationship; I don't know if it was physical or not, but he treated her pretty badly.

There was kind of a core group of five of us when we started high school. "The group" ebbed and flowed from there, but those five still have at least some sort of contact (one is kind of gone, but I did get a baby announcement from her about a year ago). Of those five, three are divorced with kids and these crazy ex-husbands.

Both my older siblings got divorced last year.

I used to look at things like this and try to figure out what went wrong. Why do these things happen? How can I avoid it? And, truth be told, there are some things that you can look at and say it was bad judgement or immaturity or something. But some of it, I just can't see it. Things happen TO people. And it's sad. And it's scary to know it's out there.

1 comment:

mudderbear said...

You have to remember that you are not them. You don't think like they do. You don't behave like they do. And your commitments and priciples are not very much like theirs. That will make the differenc. Plus, it's sad but they have lived a whole lifetime by the time they're thirty years old. You made different choices. Your life is just beginning. What a huge difference that will make. Keep your faith...yours is the example to follow. You're doing great.