Friday, May 25, 2007

Great News!

I just saw an ad on MSNBC for a vaccine that would allow me to avoid getting the strain of some virus known to cause cervical cancer AND it prevents genital warts! Isn't that great! Because these things are sexually transmitted, I can sleep with whoever I want and not worry.

Give me a break!

I actually read an article about this vaccine a while back. Some states or people want to make it a mandatory vaccine for all girls of a certain age- like other vaccines are required for public schools. A lot of "conservative" groups and parents are quite against it. They are concerened that giving it to girls is like a free pass to have sex. I thought that was a bit silly because it's not like it protects against a lot of other stuff.

But, when I saw this ad, I just cringed. I wish I was savvy enough to link it or something here. It had these big words, something like "now I can be something I never thought I could be before- free from the chance of getting (whatever) disease known to cause cervical cancer and genital warts." Yikes. It just scares me. What is the world coming to that THAT is a great relief, a main concern? I mean, I understand the fight against cancer and, as some woman argued in the mentioned article, that even if her daughter is completely safe and waits for marriage, there are things out there, a chance that her husband has had another partner, and it does only take one, etc. But really, it's a sexually transmitted disease and they are touting it like they are going to save the world!? How about some morals? Some prudence? Some common sense?

Perhaps, I've misunderstood.


Benjamin said...

My friend wrote a post about this a short while ago, and he and my other friend (a female, in case you find that relevant) got into a bit of discussion about it (in the comment section). The actual post is kind of long, but if nothing else, you should read the comments. I think they're rather interesting and provide some food for thought:

If this worked right, you can just click anywhere on this sentence!

JoAnna said...

Thanks for the link BennyK! I read through it all and it was very thoughtful and had a lot more info than I had in my little outburst. It's an interesting debate I think. A lot of issues involved.