Friday, March 16, 2007


I'm down to one week until my wedding's eve. Can you believe it!? Last June it seemed too far away and now...

Things are going smoothly, I think. I sometimes feel overwhelmed, but when I can stop and enjoy it for a moment, everything feels fine.

Yesterday we went and picked out Jeff's tux. It is going to be so cool. Different than what I imagined, but what do I know about tuxedos? A bit different than traditional, but very very classy. While he was being measured etc, I found a tie I wanted for our dads. I thought it would be nice to have the dads in matching ties, especially since mine will be walking me down the aisle and his will be officiating. The ties are light blue with a kind of flowered print, but not floral at all. It almost looks like someone carved flowers into stone tiles, but very soft. If you're fortunate to be one of the few at the wedding :) be sure to notice! I'll let the tux be a surprise.

The day or two before that, we went to pick up our rings. Mine had to be sized and Jeff's was on special order because the metal goes all around the ring and they can't size it at the store. When we got there, they couldn't find Jeff's. We waited for five minutes or more before they finally found the paper work and told us it wouldn't be ready for another week. What!? I panicked, forgetting that was still enough time, but really, why tell us a date it would be ready if it wasn't going to be there?

We also got our marriage license, which was a lot easier than I expected. Tonight I go try on my dress for the last time to make sure everything is going to work and then, I think we take it home.

I feel like these are big things to get done and finished. They make everything feel like it's really happening. It's exciting!


mudderbear said...

I'm so excited for you. Everything will be so beautiful. You are by far the most beautiful bride I've seen. It's all just awesome, including you and your true love. Love you...

The Damsel said...

Wow, I can't believe it. I wish you all the best and all the blessings God can give you. You deserve them.