Saturday, June 19, 2010

Unfinished thought

Love means to learn to look at yourself the way one looks at distant things. For you are only one thing among many. And whoever sees that way heals his heart, without knowing it, from various ills.
Czeslaw Milosz from "Love"

I found this quote in an old magazine the other day. I'm not quite sure what it means, but for some reason, I liked it.
Today as I lay on the bed with my baby, I saw my reflection in the t.v. Unclear, I saw mostly the outline of myself. This thought flashed in my head and I tried to see as an observer from the outside, rather than someone who knows me so intimately. It was interesting to see my shape, with no preconceived notions. I looked rather normal, and I liked it.
We are always looking from the inside, at what comes toward us, at our own reaction. Perhaps even a mother or lover, those that love us the greatest and most intimately don't see us the way we see ourselves. They are looking from the outside, with some distance.


Emily A. said...

Ah friend. I love the way you write and the way you think.


The Damsel said...

I second Emily's thoughts.

mudderbear said...

It's a good quote. Thank you for posting it. And I love your new blog look. It's so bright and cheery and pretty. I hope it's reflecting how you feel lately. You and Rayne are so cute. You make us all so happy.