Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Accidentally in Love

The words and tune are awesome! So happy. So what falling in love should be. You're just going along and suddenly find yourself so connected to this person that you can't live without them. There's a deepness to it, but a happiness to it. The song says something like a "snowball running... can't explain it but I can't ignore it."

I had a philosophy instructor in college ask if we fall or jump into love. When he called on me, I said I thought we walk really close to the edge and hope to be pushed. He thought this was brilliant. So brilliant in fact that a year later in a different class at a different college, he remembered me and told me how brilliant it was and that he tells every class what I said when he gets to that lecture/discussion.

Falling, jumping, walking the edge, happening by accident as if fate or destiny or some power beyond yourself is in control was perfect when I was in high school and I'd get up in the morning looking forward to the one class when I could walk down the one hallway to see the one guy I'd been hoping to see all day. "Love" was emotionally and hormonally charged and everything was intense. This was even better when I was in college and the person I was really falling in love with was myself. Having confidence, I could truly give of myself and fall for someone for who he really was and knowing him on the inside. And, perfectly, I think I accidentally fell in love when I met my husband. One day it was like being hit in the head with how much I enjoyed talking to this person and how sad I was to see him leave for the night. The flirtations came naturally, unplanned, unguarded, no games, no plans. And the deepness just happened. The trust, the desire, the closeness. No work, no effort, no show. Just natural.

Could I accidentally fall in love now? I don't think so. My heart is committed elsewhere and I'm simply not walking that edge. Logically, in some way, I guess it makes sense when people say something, an affair, cheating, leaving your lover for another, just happened. Perhaps you work on a project with someone at work or school and feelings develop as you get to know them. Maybe an old flame comes back and reignites something. Or a friend gets a bit too close. But to make love out of this?

Love is more than a feeling, it's an action. Like I said, my heart is taken, so I just don't get it. But even setting that aside, you would have to choose to take that step. Even if all you chose was to walk the edge where your life no longer belongs.


Benjamin said...

Cool post. And see how it is? You've long been quoted in a philosophy classroom. We'll see if I ever am.

(Side note: my word verification is "glymplic," which sounds like a derogatory term for a Special Olympian, no?)

mudderbear said...

I love that you're posting on a more regular schedule lately. I'll be looking for you everyday now. And what a marvelous thing to have happen...falling in love with yourself. It should happen to all of us.

Ben, I really enjoy looking at those verification words to see what I can make out of them. "glymplic" definitly sounds like a name for somebody.

JoAnna said...

This is what my Aunt Marie posted on facebook:
Hi Joanna............I just found your blog spot, quite by accident. I dare say you definitely have your mother's talent for writing. Just to add a thought, because I can never make the comment work on the blogspot...........I strongly believe that love is commitment. It is nothing if there is not commitment. Ther...e will always be someone more beautiful/handsome, charming, witty. Someone who could set your mind and heart reeling. But what leads to the for-real sort of love is commitment. And, sadly, that is what is soooooooo lacking in our world. Alas, I'm afraid I'm just not a romantic!