Saturday, May 23, 2009

And now for a nice post

Yesterday, we spent the afternoon at Jeff's grandma's with his grandma and mom. We took our laundry and guess what?!?! They did all my laundry, even folded it!, fed me lunch and let me take a nap. They even helped and were encouraging when the baby had a hard time eating.

The same thing happens at my mom's house. I can let mom or someone hold the baby and I can go to the bathroom, get something to eat, etc etc.

Thank heaven for good moms!


Anonymous said...

Nice of them!
I hope you're doing better with the baby, i gotta to come over soon to see the baby :)

Melanie said...

So nice to hear!

Emily A. said...

Amen to that sister! I am so glad to hear that people are looking out for you. :)

glockster17 said...

well, now you can join the ranks of the "Good Mmommies" too!!!!

mudderbear said...

thank you for saying such nice things about moms. You're doing fine.