Friday, May 01, 2009

Prideful faith? or Powerful faith?

There's a Christian song I haven't heard for a while that says "In me, is the faith to move mountains." I'm not sure if the song is about the power Christ has in our lives or if it's about the power we have through our faith. I guess it's kind of the same in my mind. I like the song and thinking that I have that strength within me.

Lately there's been all kinds of things floating like led through the air around us. Sometimes I pray desparately, knowing there is nothing I can do and feeling like I need to be rescued. Sometimes I don't even know what to pray for. Other times, my prayers are quite specific as I try to solve the problem or do something on my own to show action when all it really amounts to is my own idea of what might help (just a note, some of these prayers have been answered so quickly, so specifically that it makes me feel like I'm doing/asking something right. One of my favorite scriptures is when the Lord asks the brother of Jared what he would have Him do to put light in the vessels. I think it's a very good teacher and father that would help us to figure things out on our own).
Some of my strongest prayers lately, the ones that give me the most peace and direction, seem to come when I start to believe in my own faith. I've prayed asking for what I think I need, or even in the desparate times of not knowing, and started to think of other prayers that have been answered in my life. I've thought that my faith was strong enough to fix or help some situation before, it has to be worth something now. I've thought (perhaps to the point of insistence?) that my desire for what is good and right has to be stronger and win out over the scary stuff out in the world. That my trying to do the right things and be good and desiring what God has to give has to win out over things and people that are... well, just not doing these things. I've even wondered if my prayers can intervene to at least some extent for people who may not be looking for it just because of who they are to me... like I have some sort of jurisdiction as a wife, parent, even child, that my faith can have power in their lives even when they aren't looking for it (I know, that whole free agency thing, but that's what I mean. Is my faith strong enough, can I pray for things for people, like the parents of Alma the younger?)
I suppose it's hard to put in words when I don't want to give specific examples. But today I was walking into work and that song popped in my head. "In me is the faith to move mountains." I've been feeling like if I cling to this and trust in this, everything is going to be okay. I don't think it's a faith in myself really, the faith is in God to hear me, do what He can and will, and then help me through the rest. Perhaps it's more like a conviction or a resolution to focus on faith, to be believing, to trust and doubt not. Maybe that's what all those things mean.... to HAVE faith. Perhaps it's something that sometimes we have to cling to rather than just let be there.


Melanie said...

Great post! I learned pretty quickly that we have to have faith and pray about specific things in the lives of our children because they can't do it for themselves (when they are young). I am happy you are having such great experiences with your answered prayers!

mudderbear said...

I really like the spirit of this post. And I remember learning that we should pray for other people because, the don't or won't pray for themselves. And sometimes God needs or wants to be asked, otherwise he is "butting in" so to speak and he won't do that.
By all means, keep praying. Look around you at how things are turning out...Great!! I would rather err on this side of doing, this time, than be wrong for doing nothing. Does that make sense.?