Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Scrubs, the dog and the Disney Channel

Last night on Scrubs, some characters were trying to help J.D. do better with his interns. They told him he is more concerned with them liking him and he needs them to respect him- he's their teacher and leader, not their friend. It showed "flashbacks" to when he was in college and how quick he was to help and please other people in his quest to be liked. It was funny, but sadly reminded me of Me.
I never thought my people pleasing problem was an effort to be liked. I know that sounds ridiculous, but really, I thought it was more a fear of getting in trouble or having people mad at me. In my head, I rationally don't care if most people like me. I don't respect most people enough to care. For real! But, watching the show I realized I do care. And that is what my problem is about.
Even with the dog. Last night I took her for a real walk. This is only like the second time I've taken her past our own apartment yard. She loved it! When we got home it's like she thought we were having this bonding experience and were best friends. She would not leave me alone. As I sat watching t.v. and eating my dinner, she insisted on getting right in my lap and licking me and whining to the point I couldn't stand it.
I have a friend who has twin boys (not Heather :) I once went to the store with them and found it quite silly that at the same time she's telling them no, they can't have a treat and to behave etc, she was opening the treat and handing it to them before she'd even paid. Now, I'm not one to judge (yeah right) but I did take note that her actions were speaking much louder than her words. So, last night as I told the dog to shut up, calm down, and quit licking me as I rubbed her belly and was a pushover for her puppy dog eyes, I scolded myself. But I honestly didn't know what to do. I couldn't be mean to the sweet little thing! And, it probably comes down to wanting her to like me.
So then a movie came on the Disney channel. If I wasn't so tired, I probably would have watched it but I only watched the beginning. A woman apparently had lost her job or her business went under or something and she'd decided to become a high school biology teacher. She said she wasn't afraid because the hardship of it couldn't possibly compare with being a corporate CEO. Well, first day and the class was out of control of course. And the principal basically told her the same thing the other Dr's told J.D. You want them to respect you, not to like you and you have to take charge right from the get go.
I decided (not like I didn't know) that this is why I'm not a teacher. I couldn't do that.
Well, maybe I could learn how to do that. Maybe that's what the classes and training are for. I listen to people at work that come across as nice people but you're scared to get on their bad side and think I guesss I could be like that. But...
I don't think I want to. So... how am I going to survive in the world? For real? And how will I even raise my own children? They are going to need discipline and structure and leadership. Not just a friend?

1 comment:

mudderbear said...

Is it bad to give love? Is it not a large part of our nature? You should type some more about this. Maybe that's what we all need more of. Basically, if you have love you can go from there. Is that just as true with having respect?