Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Mumsy's Meme

1. If you could choose your own name, what would it be?
When I was a kid I always liked boyish girl names- Casey, Jacey, Cori. I think I thought a more spunky name would help me to be more outgoing and fun. I've since come to really like my name- it suits me and it's pretty. But if I HAD to change it... I think I'd be Annastasia and I could go by Stacy and have both the spunk and the pretty. I also made a character on Jeff's game named Hannaa (the normal ways of spelling it were taken) and it somehow fits. Aren't I clever- they still have Anna in them. I guess it's a good name!

2.Ideally, what age would you be? Do you think, if you try, you can be that age for the rest of your life?
I quit counting when I wasn't married by 25 and then especially when I was married and my hubby is so young! I think, for now, 25 is the perfect age. Old enough to have that well deserved sense of self I worked to find after high school and all that was over, but still young enough to remember the excitement of college and falling in love and discovering yourself. I think you can be whatever is in your head. I REALLY do. Afterall, age is just a measurement of how long we've been on earth. What does that have to do with our eternal soul?

3. Do you read much? What do you like to read about?
I've always thought of myself as a reader but I don't do it as much as I would like and think a smart person should. I love to read little things about science and math and what they've discovered- even health articles on the internet interest me. I also love teen novels. The kind that tell a really good story and get into the workings of people's minds and hearts but still have some of that childlike innocence and belief in happy endings. Recently I've also read more philosophical novels. Oh, and I love historical fiction. I can learn so much if I have characters and settings to attach it to.

4.What is your single favorite fragrance? Do you wear it?
I really love to smell the fresh outdoors. I love spring flowers soft on the wind. I love the more pungent smell of fall leaves. I love to smell fires burning in the winter. And I love the smell of chlorine and coconut sun block in the summer.
I used to love Soft Musk by Avon because it reminded me of my Grandma June but was also good for me to wear. The last I had some it had changed. I like Jovan White Musk as my signature fragrance. I also like food smells- cinammon, vanilla, warm bread or cookies.

5. If you could choose a theme song for your own life, which one would it be? Or who would write it for you?
Joanna by Kool and the Gang of course! I was 6 or 7 when it came out (or at least when I was aware of it) and I would imagine someone someday feeling that way about me. So romantic even at that age. "She's the kind of girl, makes you feel fine..." sexy, soft, feminine, passionate- I want to be all those things! And, I think I've come to like that more important than anything to me is the way those I love feel.

6. Write something about color. What relaxes, excites, expresses you.?etc.
This is a great question! I've always wondered what it is about colors that can reach so deep into your soul and make you feel... something! Yearn for something, feel hungry and thirsty but not even in a physical way, calm you, excite you. It's WONDERFUL!!!!!
I think my favorite color is that dark teal blue the sky goes just after the sun sets. It's a dark blue but you can somehow see light in it still, when the sky is clear. It's not always like that but when it is it just makes me feel.... I don't know! Like jumping into the universe and taking it all on, but still so comletely calm about myself and sure of love and possibility.

Wow. I really enjoyed writing this. Thanks for the great questions Mumsy! So sensual. I feel so much better having had these thoughts!


mudderbear said...

It's so good to see you here, and I love reading your answers. There are always new things to find out about you. Somehow you seem more grown-up and self-assured. Thanks for answering the questions. I thought maybe nobody would do them. And P>S> I love you for everything you are.

Benjamin said...

For Christmas, I'll have to get you a "Chlorine and Coconut" scented candle.