Wednesday, August 29, 2007

If I had a Million Dollars

The other day I heard a commercial on the radio about some fund raising kind of thing for, I assumed, single moms. Now sure, there are people out there who get into some pretty bad situations and they need help. I'm all for that. But what popped in my head was... well, all kinds of not nice things about not nice girls and girls that just aren't smart. One of my good friends in high school got pregnant our senior year. Our counselor bent over backwards to help my friend graduate (over looking the fact that she'd pretty much missed our junior year to go out with her boyfriend, thus getting pregnant- they didn't use protection because she had the notion that she didn't know if she could get pregnant!). Because she was a single mother, she had help with school post high school and received all kinds of goodies for the baby through sub for santa with the state, and even now when we have get togethers, she provides all the food because she gets so much money in food stamps she can't use it all. Another friend recently told me about her friend who was randomly selected by the government after he got fired to go to school anywhere he wants for free (I don't know all the ins and outs and is that really true of this claim).
I know it's mean of me, but these things make me want to scream and cry. My hubby and I aren't putting off having kids because of money, but money is a big concern for me. I worry almost everyday about when we want to have kids because of the money issue. Nobody's paying him to go to school and even though he's only done a year, we have a HUGE student loan already to be paid off. And no one is paying me to get pregnant and stay home with my babies.

One time when I was going through a hard time, my sister suggested distracting myself by thinking of all the things I'd do if I had a million dollars. In an effort to be more positive, that's what I started thinking about with this. I think if I had a million dollars I would have a mommy scholarship fund. I would pay women to stay home and take care of their kids. I think one criteria would be that she would have to have a college degree and be involved in some way in a church. I guess that leaves out people who marry young and the mom stays home with the babies rather than go to college, I don't think that's a bad thing. Maybe if the dad was in school or had a degree, I'd make an exception in that case. Hm, do you realize that even in my little fantasies I'm trying not to hurt anyone's feelings? Duh. So, if I had all the money in the world...
JoAnna's Mommy Grant:
Award: $2000/month to a woman with at least an associates degree and some work experience. Must submit an essay about yourself and where you've been and why it's important to you to stay home with your baby. Award will continue from birth of first child until your third child is in fourth grade as long as you have children under the age of ten. (By then, Dad should have a pretty good job and maybe mom can take up some part time something or other).
Perhaps I should administer a test to the recipient each year to make sure she's not dumb and/or lazy and just taking my money. It needs to be someone smart who continues to better herself and her children- not just lay around on the couch yelling at the kids and eating snacks all day. Award and continuation are left to my sole discretion. There'd also have to be a way of monitoring how these people are living- if they have money to spend on cars and extravagances, they probably don't need my help. I guess it would have to be somewhat need based. So, include in your essay what debts you have and why and explain your views on money, budgets, and where you buy your clothes. How many pairs of shoes do you have?

Well, I'm just letting my mind wander. It's kinda a fun way to think about what I think.

1 comment:

Melanie said...

How many pages does the essay have to be? I want to apply!