Monday, February 21, 2005

Dear Dr. ME!

My little sister has recently shared a book with me that she finds hilarious. It's called "He's Just Not That Into You." It lists excuses women give for the men in their lives that just won't commit. (I've only read the first chapter about guys not asking you out... according to the wisdom of the writers, if he doesn't, there's no explanation but that he's just not that into you).

Perhaps it's my latest crush (don't want to talk about it) that has me very defensive about it. I just don't believe it though. But isn't anything in print the gospel truth?

Sometimes I get really tired of all the "self help" and similar genre books and magazines out there. I search and search for answers. Surely someone knows better than I! But when it comes down to it, I doubt that they do. Even Dr. Phil must be taken with a grain of salt. And even your best of friends and sisters and mothers don't even really know what's going on inside of you. Perhaps we are left ultimately to figure out this life for ourselves. Perhaps that's the whole point we're here. And maybe it COULD be more fun and fulfilling that way anyway.


Benjamin said...

You're both right. You'll notice that when it comes to psychology (interesting sidenote: did you know that psychology literally means "study of the spirit"?), all anyone can do is help the patient to heal themselves. I find this a fascinating truth. Yes, there are medicines that can affect you, but being healed always requires your self. Psychologists are simply trained in guiding you to your own realizations, which can then heal you. I get annoyed watching Dr. Phil because everyone acts like he's such a wizard just because he spews common sense at you. That's usually the problem for people!

TYPICAL PATIENT: "Oh, Dr. Phil, save me! Save me! I'm so in debt and it's just increasing! I don't know what my problem is!"

DR. PHIL: "What do you think is going to happen when you use your credit card all the time and refuse to stop??? Pull your head out! Cut up your credit cards, make a budget, and live within it! Stop your useless spending! A porcupine don't have no need for a loufa!"

PATIENT: "Wow, Dr. Phil, you're an absolute genius! No wonder you have a Ph.D.! If only they taught your brand of wisdom in school, I never would have gotten into this mess! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Oh you're so wise! Thank you! You make such good points! Look at your audience nodding in approval, beaming with enlightenment! God bless you, you wonderful man!"

The Damsel said...

1. I reccomended the book purely because it's funny & I am sick of prissy boys (aka frogs)
2.Does this counat as print? I am frequently wrong. (See? Print doesn't make it the gospel truth!)
3. If I knew those writers in person, I probsly would be frigidly polite to them and yell a lot behind their back.
4. What the hell do any of us know really?
5. I realize I am a passive agressive narcisist. No, I would not like help with that. And I was kidding about number 2 anyway. Sorta.