Monday, February 14, 2005

Day of Hearts and Love

I feel it would be sacreligious of me to not post on this of all holidays. It's always been my favorite. I long for the elementary school days... decorated boxes, paper Valentine's, and heart shaped cookies! Those were days when I could leave a secret admirer note for someone and feel completely satisfied with unrequited love. I could like someone without freaking out or worrying if he liked me back. It was a much simpler time.

This isn't a Valentine's story, but it's a good one for today. There was a boy named Roger in elementary school. I thought he was cute, but he was painfully shy and even his best friend picked on him. I always tried to be nice. One day he gave an oral book report that I thought was really well done. So, I left a note on his desk saying it was good from a secret friend. I hoped it made a difference to him. I too was shy and never really knew how to be friends with him beyond my feable attempts.

Love to all in whatever form it may come!


JoAnna said...

For all the notes I've ever left, I've never received a secret admirer note. How sad. I wonder if it would be freaky. Actually, I did have a boyfriend in 3rd grade that left a note with smarties in my cubby from a secret admirer. It said Smarties are for cute and smart people like you. Isn't that cute! I still have the note!

Benjamin said...

I've often thought, we'd probably be plesantly surprised to find out just how many times someone has looked at us and thought, "That person is cute!" It would be nice to know. On the flip side, I suppose none of us would want to know how many times someone has looked at us and felt like gagging...