Friday, February 12, 2010

Before and After

When I had my own apartment, with free basic cable, I would often spend several hours on Saturday watching Law and Order. I especially liked SVU. I liked seeing the bad guys get caught and I liked seeing intelligent people on t.v. (I should clarify, I would do other things while watching, not a complete couch potato!).
Eventually, I guess I got bored or got my fill because I didn't watch as often, but then I got pregnant. I always felt like I was sensitive to the crude, violent, mean, loud, obscene, etc etc. But being pregnant and feeling this little spirit, this innocent little life so fresh from heaven intensified the sensitivity. I just could not tolerate ANYTHING. Even Law and Order was too much to handle.
I also used to have a guilty pleasure, when the mood struck, of enjoying shows on the Disney channel and things like Full House and 7th Heaven.
Well, the other day, I turned on 7th Heaven just to have something on while Rayne was playing. It seemed like a nice mellow thing to be watching. Okay, and I was having a guilty pleasure day. But guess what? I REALLY enjoyed it this day. Some channel was having a marathon or something and I watched several episodes while Rayne played. I felt so uplifted. I enjoyed, not just in my silly, embarrassed to admit it way, the purity of it, the values, and yes, even the complete sap and corniness :)
Then, another day, we rented the movie My Sister's Keeper. I thought it was really well done. It's about a girl who is genetically engineered to be a match for her older sister who has cancer. But it was actually about a lot more than that. It was SO depressing and sad but also, I think, had a good message and a bit of uplifting thoughts. Watching it as a mother, I'm sure, was SO different than it would have been seeing it before I had a daughter. Some things, I could barely stand to watch or think about because I now KNOW what it's like to have a child. I could relate to the decisions being made in a whole new way.
We also watched the episode of 19 Kids and Counting when the 19th baby is born and the mother is having a lot of complications and is only about 6 months pregnant. I could have imagined and sympathized with it before and cried, but sitting there holding my sleeping baby... whoa! Life is a different place now.
(P.S. Maybe I am a couch potato?)

1 comment:

mudderbear said...

Ah, you are now a mother. It is a whole new ballgame. By now I don't remember much about not being a mother,but it does develop your compassion for others.

It's so good to see you here. It's like the sun coming out and shining. It inspires me to get blogging again. You're right about everything and losing the best friends. I hope things turn around now. Maybe we're just waiting for you.