Sunday, August 30, 2009

Am I Pretty?

So I took a picture of myself because I was feeling pretty and I wanted to remember. Pictures don't do people justice most the time. Even my baby looks a little washed out and not herself in pictures. This isn't what I looked like, but it was a good day anyway.
This was last Saturday. I think by today, I've forgotten. Oh well.

I was going to post about how being a mom and seeing my baby has given me a new definition of pretty and a better expectation of myself. Ah well, busy busy.... maybe one day I'll get back to those thoughts.

P.S. I felt pretty not just on the outside, but on this day, I felt like a good wife and mom. I've needed to feel pretty and capable lately. I've kind of been struggling.


Melanie said...

You ARE pretty-outside and in! You bless everyone in your life! We are so happy to have you! Rayne is one lucky baby and Jeff is one lucky wife!

Emily A. said...

You are beautiful. Inside and out.

Isn't it amazing how having a child and being a mother can put capable and sane people like ourselves into moments of self doubt and even moments of complete defeat? Strange but true...motherhood is not a walk in the park...thats for sure..even though I love it. I know you do to.

Hang in there sista!

mudderbear said...

speaking like an older mom....all of you are very pretty, really beautiful girls...i'm talking to you, melanie and to you, emily, and of course to joanna and rayne.