Sunday, October 25, 2009

(A bit scattered) Bless those that hurt you

Jesus said love everyone. Even our enemies. Curse them that hate you. Forgive those that trespass against you etc. I have been able to understand this to a certain extent. I don't wish bad on anyone. I can see wanting to share the gospel with those that we think are "bad" or "evil." But what about when it gets personal?
I always wondered about people who have really been wronged- if someone murdered a family member, what would it mean to forgive? Certainly, forgiveness is also for the person doing the forgiving; it's not good to carry hurt and anger etc. There are certain sins that I find unforgivable and in this regard just try not to think about, child abuse for example.
But what of smaller things that we all probably deal with? What if your enemy is someone hurting you or threatening your family? And I don't mean someone breaking in your house or some traumatic experience. I mean the things we deal with on a more subtle level. Someone so demanding of your time that it takes away from your family. Someone with a bad spirit who brings bad feelings to you or your children. Perhaps forgiveness isn't really the topic, but my question is something like that.
Can I pray FOR my enemies, while still praying that they go away? Can I bless those that are hurting me while still hoping for justice?


mudderbear said...

well, you've certainly made me wonder what's going on there. Are you okay? I think not!!!
I've wondered much the same thing as this for some time now. I am coming 'round to thinking maybe there are wicked people in the world and they are our enemies and that will always be true. If you study history in the church, for example, or in the scriptures, you will find those who were truly seeking the distruction of their fellow human beings. The Lord was often called on to deliver 'us' from these dangers. Maybe we don't understand just what we should pray FOR with our enemies. Should it be for a softening of their hearts? I have begun to think that some souls are hardened and wicked and will never change. In which case, we have the classic question: Do I have to let the Vampires suck on my neck? Certainly I wouldn't hand over my children to them. Maybe we need to wake up and take stock of just what's been going on...not always easy...but it needs to be done. It's our job to learn to make choices and to choose wisely, and do the right thing.
I hope I hear from you. This will make me worry until I do.

Heather said...

Justice and forgiveness, I've learned are two completely seperate entities... I struggle every day with the difference and keeping them seperate.
I pity those who have wronged us/me. I've learned or am learning that I really don't have the option of forgiving or not forgiving, as who are we to judge? I'm incapable of judging myself correctly let alone anyone else. All we do is make ourselves miserable if we hang on to the anger or pain, which I have done. We are obliged to forgive, a higher power will take care of the justice, if not now, in the eternity.
This is something I have to believe or I couldn't get through the day. I have to believe that everything has a reason, situations that come up in life have lessons to be learned. We come away from things wiser, kinder, more humble, more cautious... whatever it is at the time we need to learn.
I'm here if you need to talk.

glockster17 said...

Forgivness is not the same as remaining a victim. To forgive and to pray for people that hurt us is good but it does not require staying in a place of hurt to do it.
Many times the answer to the prayers we offer our enemies is given in the fact that they leave us alone. Sometimes this brings the peace for all parties.
I personaly believe that sometimes the answer is that we simply stop caring, this allows us to let go and not be hurt any further.
We can only be resopnsible for our own actions, what we do.
Christ said to give to the poor, does it matter if that offering is spent on drugs or alcohol? Or is it more important that I did as I was commanded?
Know that all things will someday be in the Lords hands and made right. Do your part in trying to forgive as best you can but never think you have to be a victim.
A wolf in sheeps clothing is a wolf and God warns of that, never that I know of, does he say we should remain among the wolves.
I feel like you need to know the power and posistion you hold in your own life and family.
You need not be a victim to be righteous, you need to be compassionate and always a mother and a daughter to God.
God will handle the justice, we are incapable of that.

JoAnna said...

Thank you all for your comments. I've been meaning to get back here and say I am okay (thanks for people's concern). I suppose I sounded like I was in a bad state or something. No, everyone is fine and getting better. Just thoughts. I would try to be more specific, but can't really give details because... well, it just wouldn't be appropriate. I'll try to clarify or something later- when I have time!?