Thursday, October 06, 2005


I learned long ago to trust my intuition when I first wake up in the morning- my very frist most honest impression. But in the last while, I'm not sure that's always true. Sometimes I think all my intuition is saying is that I'm scared.

Fear plays a big role in my life and is very influential. The other night, I had some phone calls to make for church and I just about didn't get it done. I wasn't avoiding it on purpose, I just kept forgetting or thinking of reasons why later would be better. I HAD to get them done, so I just told myself to be friendly and positive- now they're done and I can quit thinking about it.

I need to talk to my boss about next quarter and that makes me nervous too. So I keep waiting. I HAVE to get that taken care of too! My first impression when I think about that in the morning is I want to get back in bed. That's not intuition that I ought to wait or think things over- that's just avoidance.

Another thing that's a problem for me is settling my own mind when someone says something different. I'm so quick to say I'm wrong- they MUST know more/better than I do. Says who!?

Ugh. I get tired of thinking and acting and reacting in a way that's different than what I really think. Honestly, sometimes I think one thing in the very moment I'm saying or doing something else. That's so weird and frustrating!

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