Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Once There Was a Snowman

Yesterday it snowed. When I took the dog out this morning, the sky was that color of blue I wrote about yesterday. By the time I took her out again before leaving for work about an hour later, it was completely white. The snow on the trees, ground and carports blended so much with the sky as I stepped up on the landing, I was amazed at how white a world could be. I thought it was breathtaking. I even didn't mind too much when my slipper came off and I stepped bare footed in the snow last night (I got smart and put real shoes on this morning). By the time I left work yesterday, it was dark and coming down quite heavily. Traffic was slow and it was very cold. Except for my nerves driving, I thought it was beautiful!
A lot of people around me at work started to complain as we watched through the windows as the storm developed. Some people got really negative and talked about it not snowing in the valley, keeping it in the mountains and being glad that global warming is going to make this happen. I got so sad and angry. How can people be so ungreatful and negative about what God has given us? I really felt a sinking inside.

Today I heard some of these same people tell another girl who is not married but has a 2 year old son with the guy and is planning a wedding next May, that men never change and they'll never do "what they're supposed to." Later I heard one of their husbands, who also works here, joking that he's not the boss in his house, he just does as he's told. Haha.
This too was very upsetting to me. Maybe that sounds dumb and like I take things too seriously. But what does it say about people when even the most intimate and important of relationships is defined in terms of who's boss and behaving in a way that is satisfactory to the other person? Where is the love and respect in that? And the way I've heard people talk to and about their kids! Again I say, how can people be so ungreatful and negative about what God has given us?

I think I'll go home and wrestle in the snow with my husband and the dog.


mudderbear said...

You are just wonderful. I think these things get you upset because you are so sweet and careing and what you want is for those stupid people to stop being so stupid and realize what blessings they have. You would make a good angel. Enjoy the snow and your very cute husband and the dog. Love ya'

Benjamin said...

I'm in conjunction with your function. I miss snow. I don't miss dealing with it, but it's so peaceful and, I've always thought, nostalgic somehow. I would love to sit and watch it snow outside, coming down by the buckets and completely blanketing the ground, and yet so completely still. I do miss that. It almost makes me wonder if I wouldn't love doing my Ph.D. somewhere where it snows. I'm sure I'd grumble as I wait for the bus and freeze to death, but I think I'd be endeared to those memories in some way when I left town. I'm not going to be endeared to Atlanta. I'm just not. (Maybe it's easy to assume I'll be endeared to the next place because I know the only places I'm applying to are, relatively speaking, college towns.)

I'm also in conjunction with your second function, which is being annoyed (and saddened) by male-female stereotypes (particularly in the marriage relationship) that people so readily commit themselves to. Really, the stereotypes wouldn't be nearly so annoying if morons didn't adopt them! Intentionally, no less! It's like, "duh, okay, that's who I'm supposed to be, ha ha ha, that's me, dumb man, ha ha ha, wife in charge, ha ha ha, woman's always right, just apologize to her no matter what, hardy har har!" Even with me being on crutches, I think more than a few strangers have jokingly said to me as Melanie and I pass by, "I guess you'll listen better to her next time!" or something equally lame, suggesting Melanie had to put me in place by somehow breaking my heel bone. Hardy har friggin' har!

JoAnna said...

Benny! I love your comment about stereotypes. You are so right and intelligent. I would want to smack someone with your crutches if I heard them say that. Sheesh!

The Damsel said...

Do it Ben! Just haul off and hit them!
Ok just kidding. But people are dumb. I want a husband who respects me enough to stand up to me if he thinks I'm being a bossy cow. I think these men have been emotionally castrated. I don't want a guy who has been castrated.